Today is a crucial day for Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. The Supreme Court is set to hear the case related to the Delhi liquor policy involving the CBI. In the previous hearing, the court denied bail to Kejriwal. On Thursday, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) launched a new campaign for the release of CM Arvind Kejriwal. The party also introduced a new slogan: “Manish Sisodia is back, Kejriwal will return.”
- The Supreme Court will decide today on CM Arvind Kejriwal’s bail plea.
- While Kejriwal has been granted bail in the ED case, he remains in CBI custody.
In the Delhi excise policy scam, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal is facing trial as the main accused. Today is significant for him as the Supreme Court will hear his bail application. However, the CBI has opposed Kejriwal’s bail.
CBI to Submit Response in Court Today
In the last hearing, the court had refused to grant bail to the Delhi CM. On August 14, the court issued a notice to the CBI, asking them to submit their response. The agency will present its reply in court today.
The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP News) previously launched a new campaign for CM Arvind Kejriwal on Friday. The party declared that Kejriwal would break free from the prison walls of the dictator, just like Manish Sisodia did. The party’s slogan is: “Manish Sisodia is back, Kejriwal will return.”
Kejriwal Remains in Custody Over CBI Case
On July 12, the Supreme Court granted interim bail to Kejriwal in the money laundering case and referred the matter to a larger bench for detailed consideration on three key aspects of his arrest. However, due to the CBI case, Kejriwal remains in judicial custody.
Notably, Kejriwal was first arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on March 21 from the Chief Minister’s residence in connection with the money laundering case related to the scam. Later, the Supreme Court granted him bail.